Spiders Are Not My Friend!

Spiderman is not real.

Spiders. The very word sends chills up the spine of people all over the world. But is that the right response?

Human beings are hardwired to look at things that crawl or scuttle with deep suspicion. The fear of spiders is among the most common phobias that we have. However – sometimes that fear is very well-founded. Spiders can make life extremely difficult – and in some cases pose a threat to our health and well being.

Although spiders perform a very necessary task in nature – keeping other insect populations in control – they are often unwelcome visitors in our homes. The odd web – or even those eyes that peer from a ceiling corner are usually fine (for other people, but not me!)

However, reaching into a cupboard where there is a spider infestation can be dangerous. Any cool dark place is heaven for some of the more venomous species of spider. They thrive on the pests that also call those spaces home, but there are spiders that will not hesitate to bite if they are disturbed.

The statistics of spider bites are difficult to gather as only a small portion of the bites are reported. However, among the more dangerous of spiders in North America are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse spider, both of which can be found in areas such as basements. They are especially common if the home has populations of cockroaches.

Bites from these types of spiders are different. The Black Widow bite will cause nausea, cramping and difficulty in breathing. The bite of the Brown Recluse may seem to be only a mild irritation when it occurs. The bite site will quickly fall prey to what is known as necrosis. The skin and underlying flesh will simply die. What was a raised red spot will turn into dead skin. If left untreated that area will grow until it may require surgery to correct.

So given the fact that spiders are simply with us for better or worse (estimates are that there are about 1 million spiders in every acre of land) – how can we reduce the potentially threatening encounter?

The answer may be more simple than you think. At least within the home. firstly, make sure that you vacuum. Clear out those webs and make sure that spiders have no place to breed. If you come across a lone spider or two capture them in a glass and release them into the wild. They do not flock back to their homes. They will happily continue to do their job outdoors.

However, there are also ways that you can make sure that spiders do not find your home attractive. Reduce your lighting during the night. Those lights are attracting flying bugs – and spiders love them. Keep your home tidy and clean – attracting insects such as cockroaches is a sure way to attract other species which will prey on them – like spiders. keep the corners and crevices of your home free of webs – and make sure that they are sealed. Lastly, make sure that you are keeping it all tidy – those old cardboard boxes in the basement are perfect places for spiders to live. Tidy them away.

The final solution is always to call in the professionals. Some spider infestations are simply too much for the average homeowner to deal with. Rather than start with store bought insecticides which will only have a temporary effect call an exterminator. Those folks have the knowledge and the equipment to deal with problem species – they are after all professionals. Let them help you.