Spider Control Black Widows and Wolf

A fear of spiders is something many people suffer from. Although this fear is real some spider species are actually beneficial. Different spiders help to control obnoxious insects by feeding on them. Other kinds of spiders – not so much. Here in our part of Arizona, our certified pest control technicians deal with several different spiders.

We treat for a wide variety of common house spiders. Generally, these spiders are found in the eaves of your home, corners of the foundation, corners inside the home and at the base of windows.

Spider infestations can spread quickly. Most of the time, spiders are looking for food sources. Spiders diet consists mostly of insects. Insects are attracted to light, moisture or food scraps which leads the spiders to where they are. Spiders will also take shelter in rock/wood piles, bushes and ornamental vegetation around your home.

At Allied Pest Solutions, our certified pest control technicians conduct an extensive and personalized treatment approach to rid your home of unwanted spiders. We will knock-down visible webs around your entire home, especially in the eaves and patio furniture, which will help to control infestations. We always treat in the corners, the foundation at the lip of the stucco homes, the base of plants, river rock close to the home, the base of the block wall and in the eaves of your home.

Types of Spiders

Here are a few of the most common spiders you will find.

Black Widow

Black widows can be identified by the hourglass shaped mark on its body, it is usually red or orange in color. Its bite is not always fatal (although it may be to young children). It can however make one very sick, and symptoms from the toxin – which include muscular pain and swelling can go on for a month or more.

Black Widow Eggs

Black Widows put their eggs in a sac in a cool dry space with air flow, when the eggs hatch the spiders spread in the wind.

Black Widow

Black Widows Webs are extremely strong to hold its prey until it can be injected with poison by the spider, you can see the strength the web has to hold the weight of the lizard.

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders can look a bit scary, however they are harmless. They are lone scavengers and do not spin webs. The wolf spider is often mistaken for a small tarantula with their larger hairy bodies. They feed on other insects and can make their way inside of homes or businesses looking for food and water..

Wolf Spider Egg sac

Wolf spiders are large hunting spiders that exhibit unique parenting habits. … A female wolf spider carries her egg sac through the underbrush.

Wolf SPider Young

“When the spiderlings hatch, they climb on the mother’s abdomen and spend their first days there before dispersing,” arachnologist Norman I. Platnick told National Geographic. “So these spiderlings were on the mother, and did not crawl out of her.”
Wolf spiders are doting mothers that carry a nursery on their abdomen. And with so many little spiderlings clinging to her every move, it’s a good thing she has eight eyes—four on the top row, and two rows with two eyes each beneath that.

Wolf Spider Nest

Some members of the Lycosidae, such as H. carolinensis, make deep tubular burrows in which they lurk much of the time. Others, such as H. helluo, seek shelter under rocks and other shelters as nature may provide. They may wander from place to place, and are therefore more likely to be the ones attracted into human habitation when the weather starts to turn colder in autumn.